1. Chris Vrakotas
  2. Newbie area
  3. Friday, 11 December 2015
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi Daniel,

I’m using the component, its a great piece of software, and I have some questions about it:
1. In the Map/hotspots menu is it possible the date and user to be displayed before the lcocation is clicked?
2. In the Map/Hotspots menu, when we click “read more” we see all info about this specific location. (pic01). Is it possible to have a button, or a text link, linking back to the Map page? (pic_02)
3. In the Map, is it possible the “Center on my location” icon to be bigger and different?
4. About filtering, I need 2 more options: Filtering by date (today, last week, last month) and filtering by a custom field (a list box)
5. How a user can delete/edit his hotspots?

Submission form
1. I’ve added a custon field and it’s placed under description. How can i change the position and place it under Category?
2. I can’t find how I translate some text: New Hotspot, Title, Description and all labels (pic_03). Also the circled area (pic_03). Can you tell me which file I have to modify?
3. When a location is submitted the message is not placed at the top of the page. How can I place it in the top? Also, Is it possible to have a button, or a text link, linking back to the Map page?
4. Is it possible for the site administrator to receive an e-mail notification every time a new hotspot is added?

I hope I'm not wasting your time.
Thanks in advance
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