1. Tomasz Kolasa
  2. Newbie area
  3. Monday, 06 June 2016
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I am trying to add a new custom field called Header. I just want to separate some custom fields from each other. Now I added a new file in libraries/compojoom/form/customfields/header.php and it shows up as an option to choose from so the backend part is ok (well that wasn't hard...). Now I want to display just a header in frontend but if there's no field stuff in the string then it doesn't display at all. Could You tell me which file decodes the $string?

public function xml($data)
// This code is just copied from url.php
$string = '<field type="url" name="' . $data->slug . '" default="' . $data->default . '" label="' .
$data->title . '" required="' . ($data->allow_empty ? 'false' : 'true') . '" class="form-control"/>';

//$string = '<h3>'.$data->title.'</h3>'; /* This is example of what I wanted to display */
return $string;

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