Hello again....
This one shows how many comments there are in total on the title bar. I think it's especially nice to have if you don't like the extended-info for the "Read More..." button. Here's a screenshot:
Here's the code changes. On line 1860 of comment.class.php...
...comment that out with // and below that insert this code block...
/* Hack by JonusC - get the total number of comments */
$database =& JFactory::getDBO();
$com = $this->_component;
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jos_comment WHERE contentid='$this->_content_id' AND component='$com' AND published='1'";
$number = $database->loadResult();
$html = str_replace('{_JOOMLACOMMENT_COMMENTS_TITLE}', _JOOMLACOMMENT_COMMENTS_TITLE." (".$number." total)", $this->_menu);
...thats it.
I don't know if that code is very good... i'm only new to this PHP language, but it shouldn't slow down the site much I hope...
Daniel, I also wanted to add a feature of showing "Oldest First" or "Newest First" in the Comment title, but for some reason the if ($this->_sort_downward) statement always returned false no matter what
I have no idea why, could it be a bug or.......
here was the alternate code I was trying to use...
if ($this->_sort_downward) {
$html = str_replace('{_JOOMLACOMMENT_COMMENTS_TITLE}', _JOOMLACOMMENT_COMMENTS_TITLE." (".$number." total, newest first)", $this->_menu);
} else {
$html = str_replace('{_JOOMLACOMMENT_COMMENTS_TITLE}', _JOOMLACOMMENT_COMMENTS_TITLE." (".$number." total, oldest first)", $this->_menu);
...but it was always returning the 'oldest first' one, no matter what setting I had in Comments sorting. Is this because I have nested comments turned on?