Matukio 2.1.0 released

We just released Matukio Version 2.1.0. It fixes many bugs, brings design improvements and two new views, which i am going to describe a bit later. Actually we planed to integrate some more changes (improved E-Mail Template-System, new Event-Templates and four new modules), but we decided to release this version now so you don't have to wait for the fixes. 

Let's have a look at the two new views:

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Matukio 2.0.1 released

We just released a small update for Matukio, fixing most critical bugs found in the 2.0.0 version and it should now work properply on Microsoft Internet Explorer.


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Matukio 2.0 released

We are happy to announce the first stable release of Matukio (2.0.0) today. We worked very hard on the new version and rewrote most of the extensions code and added many new exciting features, including Payment-Management, a new amazing and dynamic booking form and a new modern and social media enabled event template.For an overview about the changes take a look at the last blogpost about new features and changes of the latest development version. The demo site will be updated in the next couple of days, if you want to see the new version in action now, visit! 

By the way, beginning with the day after tommorow the price of the extension is going to be increased to 39 Euro, so take up your last chance in saving more then 30% by purchasing Matukio now! 

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Current development status of Matukio - Event Manager

Since the first release of Matukio we have been working hard on a new stable version with awesome new features and many bugfixes. We have released some alpha versions, which showed some of the new features and bugfixes. Yesterday we then released the final development version, which is feature complete. This means we are only going to fix release critical bugs and other problems found in it and not going to add new features. We changed and added around 20.000 lines of code, so everyone is invited to help searching for bugs and problems.  

So in this blog post i want you to show some of changes and optimizations we've made. Let's start with the frontend, where some of the most noticeable changes took place:

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Matukio - Advanced events manager for Joomla

We're really excited to present our newest Joomla 2.5 Extension - Matukio. Matukio is a very advanced Events Manager based on the well known extension com_seminar by Dirk Vollmar. We are putting much effort into transforming Matukio into an modern MVC Extension - in the last couple of month we ported and polished it for Joomla 2.5, added new features and fixed a bunch of bugs. Take a look at the Matukio - Detail page for an overview.We choose Seminar, because of its functionality, it's features and it's great usability. Sadly it seems that Dirk doesn't have the time to further develop the extension for newer versions of Joomla. In the next couple of weeks and month we will continue our complete rewrite of Seminar, introduce new amazing features and fix existing limitations and bugs. Matukio is still beta, so don't get mad at us when some things are not working the way you think they should - we promiss to fix them in almost no time and offer you Matukio for only 25 Euro (33 Dollar). Later it will be 39 or 49 Euro's, so you don't only support our work, but also save a lot of money when you buy Matukio right now!Here is a small list of features planned in the next couple of months:

- Google calendar integration- PayPal / Payment integration and Management- Webinar management (a bit later)- Search engine optimized URLs- working hand in hand with our products Hotspots and Comment- Calendar and Matukio content plugins- Mobile version for smartphones with html5 and css3- Much more flexibility and possibilities to present your events!- New amazing template system- Auto-generated tickets (with your design and barcode) as pdf, image etc.

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