Multilingual content? mb_substr is not everything you need!

!Joomlacomment is working on a lot of websites, all with different languages. We have chinease, korean, russian, german and ... installations. A small problem we had with 3.26 was that we were using not utf8 aware functions - so on some sites that were using the feature under content settigns->security -> overflow there were sometimes problems with "funny" characters like these ones 'äöüßщюпчюпоиеявш' :)

I was thinking that I fixed this bug with alpha2, but today I saw that on our demo section we had problems with one language. Looking for the problem, I found ouт that it was the wordwrap function that is not utf8 aware. Reading the comments here I copied a function from Golan Zakai and now I believe our extension is fully utf8 compatible!

Furthermore, I stopped using the mb_substr and mb_strlen functions and started using Joomla's JString class. This should save us from problems like this one here.

The first beta is nearly ready! Stay tuned!


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!joomlacomment Alpha3 is out there in the wild!
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