4.0 - what's new?

Hey guys! I've got several e-mails asking me what to expect in !jocomment 4.0 . My answer always is: "Don't expect anything - this way you want be disappointed :)“. !jocomment 4.0 is going to be a very important update mainly for me. Yes, we are fixing few bugs that were discovered in 3.26, but they all were not critical.

The biggest feature for you in 4.0 is that we will leave the legacy mode in the past and will look into the future (joomla 1.6 :))

The biggest feature for me is the inclusion of ads like this here.(or like the one you see under this article) Before you crucify me, give me a chance to explain you why I choose this.

I was thinking on implementing a subscription service like the one on joomlpolis. This means only more work for me. And I’m not sure I can offer you the necessary quality for your money.

Other possibility was paid support. Be honest! Are you going to pay for support??? I don’t think so...

First of all - I've registered the project on olhoh.net. Scroll down and you will see the project cost: D - nice!!! Project effort - 95 Person Years!!! LOL, no wonder why there are no new updates since august :). That calculator may be inaccurate, but it is guessing one thing right - all this is hell of a lot of work! As you see, I'm always on the forum helping everyone (noob or developer it doesn't matter to me), fixing bugs, thinking on how to implement new features - all this takes time! I don't have 95 years to work on this. Mainly because I have to work to earn money and the only possibility to work on the project is my spare time. The thing is - I have also another things to do in my spare time (friends, reading books, wing tsun, football, mounting bike, and and)! If I work more on the project, I have less time for my other hobbies. However, if I work more on the project and get something in return (thank you is also OK, but I'm materialistic son of a ... :)) I can give up a little of my work (or all of my work) and this way, I will have time for all my hobbies.

That is why I choose to add ads to the software.
So, now let me tell you how the ad feature will work. When you install the extension these lines are called:

ini_set("allow_url_fopen", 1);
$url = JURI::base();

What do these lines do? We get your server url $url = JURI::base(); and your server IP $ip = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; and then we send them to our remote script. It saves them in a database. After that I will check your web site - if it is not a school or some charitable organization, then we will add your site to our ad server and you will start seeing ads. Well, for the moment I plan to only work with adsense ads - this way you can be sure that the ads that display will be content relevant and that you will NEVER get porno ads!
(When you uninstall the extension, then your site will be also deleted from our database)

In backend you will have the option to turn the ads off, but it will cost you 10€. The other option is: "You contact me with the wish to share the income of the ads generated on your site". I will provide you with a new ads code and then you will get 50% of what we get from your web site.

What will stop you from removing the ad code? NOTHING! You can do that! I will keep the license - GPL 2.0. So you can use the software as you wish. Delete the banner code. In fact I made it really easy for you! In the template there is now an {ads}{/ads} block - you just have to remove it and you won't see any ads! I really hope that you won't do this and acknowledge my work.

Let me finish with a quotation from “PHP Cookbook 2nd Edition”:
“The name programmer for those who spend their time developing web applications is misleading: the vast majority of time one spends “programming” is actually spend debugging. Whether you are fixing typos or refactoring chunks of code that are performing poorly in heavily loaded production environment, odds are you’ll spend a large amount of your career debugging and testing, and debugging and testing again. And again, and again, and again.

The raucous party that is a frantic, all-night debugging session was probably omitted from your job description – who would sign up for that kind of fun? The fact is that errors, bugs, debugging, and testing a part of the programmer’s life.”

Well the above description fits really in my life :). The only thing I want is to offer you great code and to receive the possibility to have my spare time for me. All I can do is hope that you will support the idea!

Have fun, use !jocomment!
And I will fix bugs...

P.S. Any questions or ideas? Please feel free to share them with me!

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