There will be a 3-day (fixed dates) Conference(event).
On each day of the event, there is a main plenary session and 2 timeslots where at least 7 concurrent/parallel workshops will be held.
Participants who register for the event, should be able to also select the preferred concurrent workshops they wish to attend. The concurrent workshops are of different seating capacity and upon the participants registration, the system should be able to track the number of seats left based on the maximum capacity set for each workshop.
For the registration fees, it should be charged per the whole event, and NOT per the workshops chosen.
How would Matukio (and what other extensions are needed to) enable these type of programme?
It must have the ability to track registrations, accept online payments via custom payment gateway (Malaysian Ipay88 or MolPay or senangPay), export to CSV or Excel, update attendance,ticketing etc....