1.) No, rating tutors is currently not built in, but i added it to the wishlist.
2.) Hmm no that isn't possible currently and not very easy to integrate (working for everyone)
3.) Hmm what do you miss? What sort of customizations?

4.) Aye, a new template system (there is alreay a currently disabled one) is also on my todo-list for a later version, but currently you can just duplicate events.
a) The organizer can only edit their own events (by default) and more are not shown in the
My Offers tab (By default you can change that if you want)
b) Can you explain a bit more? Participants can see all their bookings including all details in the My bookings tab (frontend)
c) Profiling? Matukio offers inbuilt organizer pages (including detailed description, images, private comments etc.)
Kind regards,