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TOPIC: Matukio possibilities and adaptation

Matukio possibilities and adaptation 10 years 10 months ago #25630

  • Thomas Zeis
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Dear Compojoom team,

I'm searching for an event booking joomla component which would best fit our needs. As we have I think some special needs (regarding all components I found until now) we are willing to pay for adaptitions (which then could be used also by your other customers) in addition to the price for the software. The deadline for the adaptation for us is not fixed but the earlier the better :). The question is now whether you would be willing to do such a thing based on Matukio? Of course these adaptiations would be for use by all your customers (So basically we would pay you to upgrade matukio ;) ).
So if you can imagine to do such a deal, please contact me for further details.


PS: As i cannot precisely see what's already implemented in Matukio it is difficult to write down what would have to be done. Basically the following would be the procedure to book an event:

We publish an event (Autom. email to all our societies), our societies log in and register some of their members (editable, confirmation email to society), at day X before event system sends reminder email to societies, at registration deadline the system decides whether the event takes place or not (based on amount of participants; system sends cancellation email to societies & info on upcoming events, system sends confirmation/reminder email to administrator), event takes place, event ends, system sends reminder email to administrator (to do some tasks) and system sends invoice to societies (depending on how much participants).

Matukio possibilities and adaptation 10 years 10 months ago #25632

  • Yves Hoppe
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Hi Thomas,

hmm some of your requirements are already on our todo-list, but some of the adaptions would require some extensive code changes and custom development. (Even more if these changes should not change the current behavior / system of Matukio for our normal customers. Just "customizing / hardcoding" the needed changes into Matukio would probably be a lot easier then to adapt it for everyone, but we are willing to give it a try without bringing that into account).

For a quote we need some more details, so we maybe should have a chat or phone call :)

Let me outline a basic list of changes needed:

We publish an event (Autom. email to all our societies), our societies log in and register some of their members (editable, confirmation email to society)

The automatic emails would require some custom coding (Do you have a fixed list of email addresses, or are they already there as Joomla users? (that would make the this and other things much more easy)), we have a option inbuilt to notify (fixed) email addresses about a new event creation including event details, but it's primary thought for administrators to watch there organizers - this sounds more Matukio needs to send some sort of automatic newsletter (We have already manual options for this). It is easily possible for organizers / joomla administrators (backend and frontend) to add / edit bookings (e.g members) to Matukio events, if you don't want them to also have the ability to edit / change all bookings etc., we would also need to change some code so they can't change all bookings but just theirs - custom booking confirmation emails (with an easy HTML template system) are already inbuilt.

at day X before event system sends reminder email to societies

That is also going to need some changes, because we need a cronjob for this. PHP is normally not designend to execute timebased jobs (e.g. looking every hour / day in the database and when Day X is there -> send an email). I already have this feature on my TODO-List for a later version.

at registration deadline the system decides whether the event takes place or not (based on amount of participants; system sends cancellation email to societies & info on upcoming events, system sends confirmation/reminder email to administrator)

This one is the most complicated part, because that requires some extensive changes and custom development.

and system sends invoice to societies (depending on how much participants).

Matukio already has an inbuilt invoice generation (PDF based on an easy to customize HTML-Template), but it is currently designed to generate invoices per booking - We would need to change that to generate invoices per society.

Kind regards,


Matukio possibilities and adaptation 10 years 10 months ago #25633

  • Thomas Zeis
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Hallo Yves (da Du mir antwortest werde ich nun in Deutsch weiterfahren),

gerne können wir eine Zeit ausmachen um unsere Bedürfnisse und Eure Möglichkeiten per Telefon zu klären. Ich denke telefonisch macht am meisten Sinn, oder? Wollen wir ein Datum/Zeit abmachen (am besten vlt. per Email - Ich nehme an Du kannst meine Email in meine Userprofil sehen?) ?

Freundliche Grüsse,

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