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TOPIC: Pre-sale: Hotspots PRO

Pre-sale: Hotspots PRO 11 years 2 months ago #23471

  • AndreiT
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Hi! I have a question regarding the functions Hotspots Pro has. Can I assign a marker to multiple categories? Can I create sub-categories for a single category?
For example I want to make a map with landmarks and I will have 3 categories (museum, castle, monastery). But I also want to assign each of them to other categories simultaneously - the year the building was contructed (represented by a number), the number of average visitors/day (also a number) and the current state of the landmark (renovated, in construction...). So that the user can select all monasteries built between 1800-1900 with more than 100 visitors/day currently being renovated. My ultimate goal is to have on-map filters like in the example table from link below (source menu, pageview slider)


I guess not all of these features are available by default but I want to know how much of this I can achieve with the current version of Hotspots PRO. Is there a way to implement my requirements? What will be the extra cost for the advanced module (assuming you are willing to create these new options) and how much time will it take?

Thank you for your attention!

Pre-sale: Hotspots PRO 11 years 2 months ago #23490

  • Daniel Dimitrov
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Hey Andrei,
Unfortunately the features you are looking for are not available with hotspots PRO.
There are no filters. Your users will see the markers in the category and the only filter that they will be able to apply is zooming into an area.

Kind regards,

Pre-sale: Hotspots PRO 11 years 2 months ago #23492

  • AndreiT
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Thank you for your answer!

Pre-sale: Hotspots PRO 11 years 1 month ago #23818

  • MARIA PIA 's Avatar
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I have to make a geoblog and I'm considering buying Hotspot Pro.
I have some questions to ask:
1) is it possible to use custom markers different from the demo?
2) registered users will need to add markers by frontend and I saw that hotspot can do it, but hotspot can also upload, photos or video? hotspot can also embed, photos or video from social network (Youtube, Flick, Vimeo)?
3) I saw that hotspot integrates some commercial components for user management and for the comments. Frontend users, possibly even those registered through facebook, should be able to comment marker's content. Hotspot works this way also with some non-commercial component? If so what are ? My site uses k2 for managing comments, comments k2 work with hotspot in this way?

Pre-sale: Hotspots PRO 11 years 1 month ago #23848

  • Daniel Dimitrov
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Hey Maria,

1. Yes.
2. Yes, users are able to create hotspots from the frontend. They are also able to upload 1 image (in the future we plan to improve on this allowing them to upload multiple images & maybe videos). As far linking to youtube is concerned - no we don't support this. However if you have any joomla plugin that can create a youtube video out of the video id like {youtube} bla bla {/youtube} then you can use it with hotspots - you just need to enable the content plugins option in the settings.

3. Hotspots is a joomla component. This means that it uses the joomla profile. If users are logged in on yoursite with facebook or whatever, they still have a joomla profile and privileges. For comments we have only integration with ccomment for now. (you can also use ccomment for k2 ;))

Kind regards,
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