Hi Daniel,
Many thanks for your help and quick reply! Really appreciate it!
It seems I hadn't spotted the 'User - CMC Registration plugin' and instead was modifying the 'Community - CMC Registration plugin' sorry about that!
So good news its now working!
Although currently not passing the First name and Last name even though im using the following field mapping:
BUT I have unfortunetly found another issue, with the cmc subscribe tickbox on the Edit Profile page:
If the user doesn't subscribe on registration it works fine.
If the user DOES subscribe on registration, when going to Edit Profile the tickbox is UNTICKED (indicating to the user that they are NOT subscribed) if the user LEAVES THE TICKBOX UNTICKED and clicks save, the MAILCHIMP USER SUBSCRIPTION REMAINS SUBSCRIBED.
If the user DOES subscribe on registration, when going to Edit Profile the tickbox is UNTICKED (indicating to the user that they are NOT subscribed) if the user TICKS THE TICKBOX TO SUBSCRIBE and clicks save, the USER RECEIVES THE FOLLOWING ERROR:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is already subscribed to list Luxury Flatshares Subscription List. Click here to update your profile.
So it seems unfortunetly the EDIT PROFILE subscribe tickbox isn't working correctly, id really appreciate your help! OR is this how your plugin functions?
Also I have found the following error from mailchimp, it seems this may be an issue as we would like users to subscribe/unsubscribe regularly.
Once again many thanks in advance!!!!!!!
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. has unsubscribed, and cannot be resubscribed by you. To prevent false spam complaints, they'll need to resubscribe of their own free will.