This may have already been asked i searched and went through numerous posts but couldn't find an answer.
Our site registration is part of a system that allows prize winning, this is tied into the prize notification emails which are through mailchimp.
Our system has already notified the user they are signing up for notifications when they get to the joomla registration page.
At this stage CMC forces the user to have to tick the box and enter email twice and other details, is it possible to just register for the list without this checkbox and use the joomla name and email reg details, as this is going to confuse people that register, and create possible issues in our system where people who have registered (thinking they will now be getting our prize information emailed) may not tick the box and will not properly be registered, and then we will get complaints about not notifying people for what they have requested!
I love CMC and use a lot of your paid services, is there any way to do this with Mailchimp for joomla t the moment? as i desperately need this.
Alternativly if not, i would be keen to pay for an option to do this (although i need a quick turn around)