Okay, yep it seemst that there is no romanian translation.
if you loook into mootools-more-uncompressed.js in media/system/js on line 4286 you have this:
Locale.define('en-US', 'FormValidator', {
required: 'This field is required.',
length: 'Please enter {length} characters (you entered {elLength} characters)',
minLength: 'Please enter at least {minLength} characters (you entered {length} characters).',
maxLength: 'Please enter no more than {maxLength} characters (you entered {length} characters).',
integer: 'Please enter an integer in this field. Numbers with decimals (e.g. 1.25) are not permitted.',
numeric: 'Please enter only numeric values in this field (i.e. "1" or "1.1" or "-1" or "-1.1").',
digits: 'Please use numbers and punctuation only in this field (for example, a phone number with dashes or dots is permitted).',
alpha: 'Please use only letters (a-z) within this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed.',
alphanum: 'Please use only letters (a-z) or numbers (0-9) in this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed.',
dateSuchAs: 'Please enter a valid date such as {date}',
dateInFormatMDY: 'Please enter a valid date such as MM/DD/YYYY (i.e. "12/31/1999")',
email: 'Please enter a valid email address. For example "fred@domain.com".',
url: 'Please enter a valid URL such as http://www.example.com.',
currencyDollar: 'Please enter a valid $ amount. For example $100.00 .',
oneRequired: 'Please enter something for at least one of these inputs.',
errorPrefix: 'Error: ',
warningPrefix: 'Warning: ',
// Form.Validator.Extras
noSpace: 'There can be no spaces in this input.',
reqChkByNode: 'No items are selected.',
requiredChk: 'This field is required.',
reqChkByName: 'Please select a {label}.',
match: 'This field needs to match the {matchName} field',
startDate: 'the start date',
endDate: 'the end date',
currendDate: 'the current date',
afterDate: 'The date should be the same or after {label}.',
beforeDate: 'The date should be the same or before {label}.',
startMonth: 'Please select a start month',
sameMonth: 'These two dates must be in the same month - you must change one or the other.',
creditcard: 'The credit card number entered is invalid. Please check the number and try again. {length} digits entered.'
You'll need to translate this into romanian. Basically copy the text and change it to:
Locale.define('ro-Ro', 'FormValidator', {
required: 'Your translation goes here.',
length: 'Please enter {length} characters (you entered {elLength} characters)',
minLength: 'Please enter at least {minLength} characters (you entered {length} characters).',
maxLength: 'Please enter no more than {maxLength} characters (you entered {length} characters).',
integer: 'Please enter an integer in this field. Numbers with decimals (e.g. 1.25) are not permitted.',
numeric: 'Please enter only numeric values in this field (i.e. "1" or "1.1" or "-1" or "-1.1").',
digits: 'Please use numbers and punctuation only in this field (for example, a phone number with dashes or dots is permitted).',
alpha: 'Please use only letters (a-z) within this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed.',
alphanum: 'Please use only letters (a-z) or numbers (0-9) in this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed.',
dateSuchAs: 'Please enter a valid date such as {date}',
dateInFormatMDY: 'Please enter a valid date such as MM/DD/YYYY (i.e. "12/31/1999")',
email: 'Please enter a valid email address. For example "fred@domain.com".',
url: 'Please enter a valid URL such as http://www.example.com.',
currencyDollar: 'Please enter a valid $ amount. For example $100.00 .',
oneRequired: 'Please enter something for at least one of these inputs.',
errorPrefix: 'Error: ',
warningPrefix: 'Warning: ',
// Form.Validator.Extras
noSpace: 'There can be no spaces in this input.',
reqChkByNode: 'No items are selected.',
requiredChk: 'This field is required.',
reqChkByName: 'Please select a {label}.',
match: 'This field needs to match the {matchName} field',
startDate: 'the start date',
endDate: 'the end date',
currendDate: 'the current date',
afterDate: 'The date should be the same or after {label}.',
beforeDate: 'The date should be the same or before {label}.',
startMonth: 'Please select a start month',
sameMonth: 'These two dates must be in the same month - you must change one or the other.',
creditcard: 'The credit card number entered is invalid. Please check the number and try again. {length} digits entered.'
You should not that this file is only read when debug mode is on. When debug mode is off then mootools-more.js is loaded.
So my advise would be to create a new file. locale.ro-ro.js and load it on the page with the cmc form. This way you will be independent of the moootools-more files and a joomla update won't override your changes.