I have installed the CMC module on my site
and named it "Keep updated" in the right position. Subscribers can enter their email address and name as per the fields for this list in Mailchimp.
The problem starts after the user receives the mail from Mailchimp asking them to confirm their subscription. In the subscription mail recd from mailchimp is a link "Yes, Subscribe me to this list". On clicking that the user is taken to a mailchimp page with the following text
"Subscription Confirmed
Your subscription to our list has been confirmed.
Thank you for subscribing!"
the user is then given two options
1. continue to our website
2. Manage preferences
If the user clicks on "continue to our website" then the user's details do not get added onto the mailchimp list (even though the page says subscription has been confirmed). If however you click on "manage preferences" and then on "update profile" then the user gets added. This is creating confusion for the subscriber and most subscriptions will get lost.