Finally I had to hack the com_comment files because it's impossible to do what I was trying.
Please, can you add this feature in your next release of the component? the hack I made it's momentary because I needed to hardcode the name of my component in admn.comment.php file with this code at line 697:
if (substr($component, 0, 7) == 'com_hum')
$component2 = 'com_hum';
$component2 = $component;
$component_exist = ($component=="" || is_dir(JPATH_SITE.DS. "components".DS.$component2));
That is because I needed to create 1 plugin for each view. In my case I have 3 views (proyecto, programa and video) that corresponds to only 1 component (com_hum).
Then, the main requirement is:
A component not only can have 1 content table as Joomla default tables do, but for example, my component, com_hum, has 3 tables feasible to be commented. And the class file of the plugin only can manage one content table. So I needed to create a "virtual" component for each table with the hack to admin.comment.php in order to see the comments in administration.