I'm using !Joomlacomments 3.26 for some articles on my web page and I'm really glad of using this component.
I want to use it also in my gallery (JoomGallery by JoomGallery, ProjectTeam). So I find the com_REPLACEnewplugin.zip and I took a look at the folder ...\administrator\components\com_comment\plugin.
1. I made a copy of com_docman, renamed it to com_joomgallery. In the admin panel I have com_joomgallery as option for new content, so I think this item is correct?!
2. I replaced "docman" in the filenames with "joomgallery". But I didn't replaced anything in the code yet .
My question now is about the new created josc_com_joomgallery_item(doc).php file.
There is written:
* include the following instructions :
..... OK I'll include them, but where should be this file:
* at the end of the following file :
* components/com_docman/themes/.../templates/documents/list_item(document).tpl.php
* HTML part of the code can be changed ! according to the theme...
Somewhere in my default template? I'm using ja_purity (lighter).
I'll appreciate any help, thanks.