hi there, opening an old topic

i set up a new site with an arcade playground and i wanted to add joomlacomment to it. i use joomlacomment on the whole site and everything is function great.
i have the same problem than the others long time ago. i use the newest pu_arcade component (2.3.1) and the actual JoomlaComment 4 beta2.
i can't see any entryform beneath the games.
to search the error for myself ( i have very very sparse php knowledge

in josc_com_puarcade.php i surrounded the echo josc_utils-line with the following
echo 'X';
echo JOSC_utils::execJoomlaCommentPlugin($comObject, $game, $params, true);
echo 'Y';
to see if the file will be used from the system or if the error is somewhere else.
displayed on the mainsite is only XY with nothing in between. so the file is used but theres no output. deeper in the system i can't look because i don't understand it.
would be great if you can help me!
best regards, Puckmeister