We have all been a newbie at some point.
So the problems and frustrations we are well aware of!
It was a bit of a shock to hear that PHP4 is actually that old!!
It seems like it only arrived yesterday...

But times do change, and as Daniel implies, trying to support "typewriters" on todays market is just not realistic.
I know the problem, and if it were possible, it would be supported. But as JonusC says on the link I posted, the next Joomla won't even work on PHP4.
On the positive side, upgrading the Server will open up your world again, and should not present itself as anymore of a problem than the previous version 4 was. Well at least that's what I have heard...
Think of it like this: A horse is fine animal and was used for transportation, but I would not want to try running it at 180 km/hour on the German autobahn today.