There is something really wrong with your demosite Marcus. I can't run GuardXT at all because the FTP layer settings are not correct, and the /logs/ folder is not writable!
Warning: is_dir() []: open_basedir restriction in effect.
Open basedir: /home/joo48221/public_html:/tmp:/logs:/tmp
That appears to be corrupted, you've got :tmp and :logs and wierdness in there. When I go to PHP Information in Joomla backend, I get an undefined offset error and see nothing - I don't know if it's related, but basedir shouldn't look like that.
The open_basedir restrictions can be turned off in the Apache configuration file, httpd.conf, with the following line:
php_admin_value open_basedir none
You'll have to contact the webhost. They probably will not allow you to make it empty, which is a horrible thing many webhosts do to try and restrict their clients.
Please note also - you've got No Editor set. This can cause problems with many 3rd party extensions, it's safe to set it to Tiny Editor (or any editor that's included).
Also I couldn't get into Global Configuration, of course that is sensitive, but please
ensure you have a correctly configured FTP Layer. I can't stress that enough.
I also advise you to contact your webhost to do "A recursive CHMOD on all files and folders for Joomla compatibility. If you have PHPSuExec enabled on the host, 0755 for all directories and 0644 for all files is recommended. If PHPSuExec is not installed, you will need more insecure permissions and this various per host configuration. /media/ /tmp/ and /logs/ also has to be CHMOD 0777 on most servers that do not have PHPSuExec"
Good luck, let us know how you go.
I suggested that in my first reply