What exactly does that mean?
If the install can't move them, then permissions or something must not be set right
It was no install at all prior to changing some permissions, then I got to here:
I got pretty much the same errors myelf:
There was a problem with your installation
error when moving /home2/dmurphy/public_html/PinnaclePark/administrator/components/com_comment/plugin/josccleancache.php
TO /home2/dmurphy/public_html/PinnaclePark/plugins/system/josccleancache.php
Please, contact the support.
error when moving /home2/dmurphy/public_html/PinnaclePark/administrator/components/com_comment/plugin/josccleancache.xml
TO /home2/dmurphy/public_html/PinnaclePark/plugins/system/josccleancache.xml
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