Jaime wrote:Hello... I need that initially appear comments and form area in a hidden state. When there are comments, by clicking on "comments (n)" link, comments appear. The same for the form. Initially is hidden but when "New comment" is pressed, the form has to appear. I added some JavaScript for the comments area and it worked, but when I did the same for the form, I have to click twice in order to make the form to be visibile again.
Have a play around with the JoomlaComment templates that have "slide" in their name, they have this function
the code is not XHTML valid but the JavaScript might help out.
The first click causes a horizontal scrollbar to appear. I think that some Joomla comment code is interfering with my own code.
Yeah I think that's to do with the overflow CSS. Internet Explorer and Firefox both handle those things differently, you might find that if you test in another browser you'll either get no scrollbars or different sized/length scrollbars.
Any help? I think this is a feature that could be configured.
Well the Slide templates do this so it's already implemented. But JoomlaComment4 is still Beta - the Template fixes and updates are, unfortunately, the last thing to do before going final/gold due to the huge variety of Joomla configurations that can conflict with them.