I don't know if these are bugs or just me screwing things up.

When I installed JoomlaComment 4.0beta1 I got this error message:
Warning: file_get_contents(
<my_ip>) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/www/mysite.com/administrator/components/com_comment/install.comment.php on line 169
<my_ip> = the IP number for my web hotel
But JC seemed to work fine despite of this.
Until today when I installed the "Latest comments" module (4.0.0alpha3).
Then I get the same database error message several times (once for each article) in the module:
No valid database connection Unknown column 'my' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT alias,id FROM jos153_content WHERE id=55-my-article
I don't know if this is because of JC or because of my Joomla installation. And is there a connection between this error messages and the ones during the installation?
And my installation problem could maybe have something to do with my file permissions on the web server?
I use NTC Hosting btw (PHP 5: safe_mode = off).