I've the same problem. The plugin file is says the following:
make a copy of the following files (to get back in case of problems):
an then replace those files by the file attached.
The problem is I don't have that file in eventlist! There is a eventlist.php but none of the files has .html. in its name!
When I say I have the same probleem I mean I've put eventlist in the list of other components. When I like to edit the settings I find myself in a form with no details in it. So the part where I would in/exclude contentitems or id's is empty.
Second I have the error mentioned above. /home/users/xxxxxxxxxxxftp/roeiploegscheldeloodsen.nl/libraries/joomla/html/html/select.php on line 68
Can anyone please help me? I'd like to use this plugin and I'm obviously doing something wrong
Thanks in advance