Hi, I don't know if I messed up things, or if it was actually a designed feature, but in my installation (joomla 1.5.
the comments voting was available only to the author, just the opposite of what I wanted (to have people entitled to comment, be able to vote on others' comments).
So I made some minor hacks and everything works now. Here are them
On the template, I had to create a new
BLOCK-voting block, and insert within it the {voting} tag:
<table class='postcontainer' id='post{id}' width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='margin-left:{wrapnum};'><!-- style='padding-left:{wrapnum};'> -->
<td><a name='josc{id}'></a>
<table width='100%' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='1' style="border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc;">
<tbody class='{postclass}'>
<td width="80" align="center" valign="top">
<div class='small'>{username}</div>
{BLOCK-title}<div class='posttitle'>{title}</div>{/BLOCK-title}
<div style="text-align:right;" class='small'>{date}</div>
<!-- @willy: formateamos comentarios -->
<div class="comment_content">{content}</div><br/>
{BLOCK-voting}<div align="right">{voting}</div>{/BLOCK-voting}
<table class='postfooter' width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
<tr><td align='center'>{editbuttons}</td></tr>
Then on components/com_comment/joscomment/comment.class.php, I changed from
$display = ((!$my->username && $this->_only_registered) || !$this->_ajax || ($edit == '')) ? false : true;
$html = JOSC_utils::checkBlock('BLOCK-footer', $display, $html);
if ($display) {
/* {editbuttons} */
$html = str_replace('{editbuttons}', $edit, $html);
/* {voting} */
$html = str_replace('{voting}', $voting, $html);
/* {voting} */
$display = ((!$my->username && $this->_only_registered) || !$this->_ajax ) ? false : true;
$html = JOSC_utils::checkBlock('BLOCK-voting', $display, $html);
if ($display) {
$html = str_replace('{voting}', $voting, $html);
$display = ((!$my->username && $this->_only_registered) || !$this->_ajax || ($edit == '')) ? false : true;
$html = JOSC_utils::checkBlock('BLOCK-footer', $display, $html);
if ($display) {
/* {editbuttons} */
$html = str_replace('{editbuttons}', $edit, $html);
So this way I separate the decision to show/allow voting from the decision to Edit comments and changed the test to test only for being under the rules that allow me for posting a comment: If I can post a comment, then I can vote.
I can still vote my own comments but as I can only to it once per comment, I don't see it a big issue (and besides surely it won't be so hard to fix... but today's been a loooong day).
Am I on the right track? Or did I broke anything??? (I mean, towards future usage of the site)
Best regards Willie.