Hey Pedro,
Sorry missed your message.
Well, in the current implementation it is not possible to have the text translated, but we can fix this with a template override.
Here is what you gonna do. First in the settings for welcome text enter:
Then use joomla's language override to translate this key in your languages:
Once you have this, you'll have to make a template override for:
around line 240 you should have this code:
<?php echo HotspotsHelper::getSettings('welcome_text', 'Welcome to Hotspots! <br /> The best Google map manager for
Joomla created by compojoom.
You can access the documentation & support forums at <a href="http://compojoom.com">compojoom.com</a>. <br />
If you want to change this text or remove it completely
navigate to your backend and turn it off in the options of the component. '); ?>
change it to:
<?php echo JText::_(HotspotsHelper::getSettings('welcome_text', '')); ?>
Now if you've done everything correctly when you access your site in the different languages the message should use the translation that you've specified in your language override.