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TOPIC: Mosets tree integration

Mosets tree integration 13 years 5 months ago #14231

  • margaritis sotiris
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Is there any option to import listings from mosets tree component in HotSpots?
I would like any time i add a listing to mosets tree specific category to view them in Hotspots Map.
How can i do that ??
Can someone help me or make that job for me ?
Ofcourse i ll pay for that


Mosets tree integration 13 years 5 months ago #14239

  • Daniel Dimitrov
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Hey Margaritis,
There is no option to import from mosets tree, but perhaps you can try to export your mosets entries to a csv file and then directly import that csv file in the database. Search the forum - eliecer explained how to make a csv import.


Mosets tree integration 13 years 5 months ago #14260

  • Mike McElligott
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If it was me, I would look into using a database trigger. Triggers are little pieces of code you can get to run in the database when certain events occur on a table and finally got added to mysql in release 5 (which you are prob using). You could for example, write a trigger so that every time a row is inserted into tableA (mosets table) that you extract certain field values and automaticallty insert a row into tableB (hotspots table). To go this route, you would need insert, update and delete triggers so that all changes in mosets are automatically reflected in compojoom. You will likely also want a lookup table that records the id relationships between mosets and compojoom so that you can do the delete and update triggers.
This path allows you to do the changes without changing source code in either mosets or hotspots.
Anyway, sorry if this all sounds like gobbeldy gook to you. Triggers are not very complicated - far easier that hacking mosets and more automated than doing periodic dumps to file from mosets and then import into hotspots.

Mosets tree integration 13 years 5 months ago #14261

  • Daniel Dimitrov
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Hey Mike,
In truth stored procedures are a great way to achieve that. Unfortunately the hard part with them is that most users run on shared hosts and shared host don't allow stored procedures... So this is a solution for a hand full of people, but a very good solution indeed.


Mosets tree integration 13 years 5 months ago #14268

  • Mike McElligott
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Aaaah - yes of course. I have seen someone solve the issue with joomla plugins and intercepting the event triggers to do extra work - kind of like database triggers. The case I saw was keeping joomla users in sync across multiple sites. I guess the principle with mosets would be the same - assuming that the mosets code fires an event when a listing is added/updated/deleted. Would need to write a joomla plugin to trigger on these events and update hotspots. All more work than I guess the original poster had hoped for without a joomla developer to hand. So I guess periodic export/import as you suggested is the quickest route to a solution.
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