Hi Yves,
Sorry, didn't explain very well!
I use Hotspots for a cycling touring website for people to log their current or future locations on the map, for people to then find them and meet up and go cycling together. What I'm looking for is a custom date/time field that allows people to enter their arrival date, rather than manually typing it in the description field - which is what people do now. That method is not full proof and users forget. A custom (mandatory field) would sort this out.
As the Hotspots become old very quickly and I want the map to be up to date and not full old data, I have included the hotspot end publishing date field onto the front end form and relabelled it 'leaving date'. That prunes then off nicely. Guess if hotspots customs fields could allow for date/time, I could have a leave date custom field and use that instead and run a daily cron job to purge anything old.
Hope that makes sense!
cheers Pete