Hi Daniel,
Is there any way to create different databases for different areas been using the same website?
For example, once we log-in into the hotspots administration panel, we can pick which database we wanna modify (data entry).
The content of the site will be the same, and basically we will only be changing the map (the info on it)
I know we can pass variables with data between pages using URL, and to call the different maps we can use for example:
http://www.thecity.ca/index.php?database=kelowna&startplacelong= -125&startplacelat=33
http://www.thecity.ca/index.php?database=penticton&startplacelong=-99 &startplacelat=25
In these way, we will get from the url:
the name of the database we wanna use, and where to start the map (following the latitude and longitude)