I have a problem with showing a marker on my map.
I have one category, and all "normal" markers are show correctly on the map. The marker is defined in the categorie.
Some hotspots (in the same category) are different so I want to use there a different marker. For this I have added my marker to the samples folder:
And in the hotspot setting i use "custom marker" and select my hotspot image.
The problem is, that the hotspot didn´t show in the starting map:
The markers (a yellow one) did´t show, only the category markers. But if you zoom in the yellow markers also shown up. You can see for example one around Munich and one close to the lake of constance.
I know that there are problems with marker without defined shodow. Maybe this is the problem / bug. But where I can definded shadows for custom markers?
I recognize also this:
- The problem appeard after I had added a new hotspot (in the categorie). Before also the custom markers showed up correctly. But now not any more
- It still works i other categories with the custom marker. See Finnland for example:
Does anybody can help me with that?
Thanks a lot