hey Doug,
So, I started preparing the next release either RC2 or stable
1. I think that the problem is already fixed. (it has been fixed after the RC1 release. Just as a general note - production sites should not have error_reporting turned on)
2. The description box stretching outside sounds like a css problem with your template - can I have a look? I've set the small control options for the map, so the zoom buttons are fine now.
3. I'm not sure that you are correct. The date that is stored in the db is transformed to UTC. Generally one should always store the date in the UTC format and add the offset/timezone when displaying. My timezone is set to Berlin. I've added a hotspots with publish_up time starting at 11:41. In the db it was saved with 9:41. The hotspot is published and I can see it.
I compared our code with com_content and it is the same for them. So my guess here is that your server time/site times are not properly configured.
4. Can you show me a site where this doesn't work? I can't reproduce it on my localhost.
5. Wow, thanks for this one. The reason you didn't see the description was that you basically doesn't have one. In V2 we had 2 fields for the display. Now we have "1", but in the db you still have 2. One need to set the readmore link if one has a full description. Anyway - now single view shows both short and full description
6. What do you mean with initial click? Do you just want to show the end publish time or what? The end date is contained in $this->hotspot->publish_down. So you could use a template override for the single view of the hotspot and display the date if you need to.
Kind regards,