Hello Daniel
The answer is yes and no
1.After delete "Hotspots / Userhotspots" , all browser history and joomla cache, link:
"Back to the main map" worked properly but after make new link: "Hotspots / Userhotspots" I got the same problem.
2.After reinstallation the Hotspot,all hotspot links and delete hotspot table in data base and make a new installation I got the same problem.
The problem is solved
3.I cleaned everything again and install Hotspot 2.0.3 and make test category and test
hotspot map and all new links and everything is working properly.
4.Keep all the links, reinstallation Hotspot 2.0.2,install Hotspot 2.0.5 and back up my all Hotspots data, for now everything working.
What exactly make this problem?
New problem
If frontend user make a new hotspot ad in the table hotspots_marker we get entry:
but if admin open and some corrected in same hotspot ad we will get in the table hotspots_marker
autoruserid---5 (id of admin)
so author of ad don't have mor privileges on own hotspot ad.
I think that You have correct it?
Kind regards,Pozdrav,