Sorry for the delay.
open administrator/component/com_hotspots/controllers/import.php
on line 104 you have the following code:
$query_sobi2items = " SELECT DISTINCT c.title AS name, ct.*, c.Itemid, c.publish_up AS postdate, c.image, c.published FROM #__sobi2_item AS c " . $where
. "\n LEFT JOIN #__sobi2_cat_items_relations AS ct ON ct.itemid = c.itemid "
// . "\n LEFT JOIN #__sobi2_fields_data AS cd ON cd.itemid = c.itemid "
change it to:
$query_sobi2items = " SELECT DISTINCT c.title AS name, ct.*, c.Itemid, c.publish_up AS postdate, c.image, c.published FROM #__sobi2_item AS c "
. "\n LEFT JOIN #__sobi2_cat_items_relations AS ct ON ct.itemid = c.itemid " . $where
// . "\n LEFT JOIN #__sobi2_fields_data AS cd ON cd.itemid = c.itemid "
this should solve the problem