Alright. I know this can be done but I was wondering if you might know an efficient way to do this since you made this whole program lol I was thinking that I would be able to make a little link that says "delete" somewhere(possibly in the edit your hotspot page) that when clicked, changes "display" in the database to a "0" instead of a "1". So that way it pretty much would unpublish the hotspot if a user doesn't want it anymore. That should also make it so I don't have a bunch of users being able to delete their stuff out of the database, instead they would have the illusion of it being deleted when instead it is just not being displayed anymore. Is there a certain way I should go about doing this? or should I create the Database field with the default value of "1" which would display, then put the link on a page, and then have all the hotspots that are set to a value of "1" be displayed on the hotspot map. I don't know if this would work exactly how I am picturing it will lol I know with the other basic php site I had created, I had this feature and it did this but I know this component is way more advanced than what I had, so I didn't know if it would work lol
Thank you,