Hey Holger!
Nice to have you here!
Are you talking about the map with all categories or a single view of a hotspot?
Because in the description field - you can write nearly as much text as you want... (few hundred thousand characters...)
If you are talking about the "main map view" - why not create a module and publish it in a position under the map?
About Question 2:
I continue to think that Germany and Brazil are not categories on their own. I would consider them tags or even better - geographic locations.
I understand that in the current hotspots implementation there is no good solution to that problem... I think that the best thing would be to introduce "geolocate center" for the map. When the user opens the page - the browser will ask him - do you want to share your location. If he select yes, then the map will be centered on his home town, or home country...
This way the user will see the spots in his own country first and will have to zoom out and scroll to another country to see the hotspots there...
Kind regards,