Hey Mustafa,
Did I really said 4 hours? Was I really talking about giving the option to add custom fields?
Anyway, I was wrong. Actually I've been researching the problem (only for research I've spent 2 days) and I'm going to implement this design pattern.
Now, I don't know why I have said 4hours but this is completely wrong. It should work on category level, so different categories could have different fields etc... There are a lot of things to be taken into consideration.
Anyway... Soon, I'll be only concentrated on the compojoom extensions and that is when I expect great progress to be made and to have 0 features on the to do list. wow
Can't give you a deadline now. The way to go right now would be to hack the code and add the db fields that you need directly in the database.
P.S. And what do you mean with "will the new version play nice with the old one"? I think that hotspots 2.0 is a good example that upgrades to the new version are easy and they make the extension more robust and better