I sent you an email (to your compojoom email). I gave you full admin access to my test site which is nearly fresh.
Regarding the viewing comments issue there are a few factors that play in my favor. While on my personal site I plan on using CC for comments, on Alpine Ascent (the site that needs portable comments) it will be using CC for either climber logs or Discussions. Because I will have so many things like Maps, Content Lists, Gallery and other things. They will each get there own tab. Trust me, it is more organized this way with the complexity of a site I'm making.
Here's a
great example
of a page I made, it has lots of content. Imagine if the climber logs, the map, the gpx track, the comments, and the attached images were in it as well. It would be overwhelming! This is some what what I'm after except for in tabs.
Here's a link to a test page of mine (using CC Version 4):
At the bottom of the article it has a link to "comments" which bring it to the comments tab. So there is not much hassle at all if it is better to have something at the bottom to bring one to comments. That link can be 100% automated, in other words I would not have to insert that link in every article to make it appear (using nt3template).
Now I admit the anchor issue still remains. I plan on coming up with a clever idea for dealing with that one (in the future when I learn JavaScript and Jquery). The extension allows one to open a tab with a variable like "?tab=comments". The only issue is that this somehow reloads the page and breaks the scrolling down to the anchor. But as I said I'll try to think of something eventually on this.
Also this portable comments additions would help more than just my site Alpine Ascent, it would help me out in a few other cases as well.