Hello Daniel,
The dynanamictextarea.js interferes with my design.
Textarea is not scrollable, even if I apply overflow-y:auto
You can test the behaviour at
I need to have a fixed height of 140px with scrollbar when a user enters long text.
I tried to set the height in default_form.php of my template:
<textarea name='comment' class='ccomment-textarea required' cols='5' tabindex='5'
placeholder='Schreiben Sie hier Ihren Kommentar:*'
style='height:140px; overflow-y:auto'
But everything I set there gets overridden by dynamictextarea.js, I guess.
So I set this in my template's css:
.ccomment-textarea {
height: 140px !important;
Now I have the fixed height. But when I enter many lines, they disappear out of view and I can't make the textarea scrollable.
How can I disable dynamictextarea.js? I tried commenting it out in default.php, line 52
But then the whole form doesn't load anymore.
Please help, thank you.