Hey Nico,
The file that holds all the inputs is in
components/com_comment/joscomment/templates/magazineJoomla/index.html - yep! Index.html! The template system for ccomment was developed ages ago
We parse the index.html file our self and replace the stuff in the curly braces {}.
In ccomment5 things will change and we will finally move to the MVC architecture and we will have a new template system similar to K2.
About the german translation. Yesterday I found out that there is an error in the first line of the file -> there are 3 quotes on that line and they should be actually just 2. The german translation is also 84% ready - according to transifex:
If you want to help with the translation, then please join opentranslators:
and after that you will be able to directly modify the file on the transifex website. Making the translations on transifex actually guarantees that translations will be added back in the project on time.
Hope that this help, if you have any additional questions don't hesitate to ask!