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TOPIC: Disable AUP points only for CompojoomComment Walls

Disable AUP points only for CompojoomComment Walls 12 years 11 months ago #15596

  • Martin Roeder
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long time ago that i came to your forum. Usually i come only when i have a problem but everything is working perfectly that i have not much to say here.
Your fault. ;)

Well, i use 4.2.1 stable on my Joomla 2.5.3 +Jomsocial 2.4.3
Everything working perfectly. The CompojoomComment Walls as well.

But i have one question:
Is it possible to disable (hack?) that my members get points (via AUP) when writing on a ProfileWall?
They should still get points for writing comments below my articles but not for posting comments on other peoples profiles.

Is this possible?

Thanks for any answer in advance!

...and is it also possible to disable this ProfileWall for the activity stream?
It would be great if comments from these walls are not shown in the Jomsocial stream.
This would flood my stream (which is already flooded through all these actions).
Would be really, really great to know a solution (hack?)

Re: Disable AUP points only for CompojoomComment Walls 12 years 11 months ago #15597

  • Daniel Dimitrov
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Hey Martin,

I didn't know what compojoom works with AUP??? How did you do this? And if you want to disable certain actions in the jomsocial plugin, then we need to hack it.Currently it is no option for this. (but maybe this isn't a bad idea??? What do other people think???)


Re: Disable AUP points only for CompojoomComment Walls 12 years 11 months ago #15598

  • Martin Roeder
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Hi, thanks for the fast reply.

Daniel Dimitrov wrote: I didn't know what compojoom works with AUP??? How did you do this?

My secret ;) ...No, just kidding.
If you want i can open a seperate thread (when i have the time) and explain it to your community. It works fine with AUP but it needs 2 commercial plugins from AUP. Both together cost $22. And they need a bit adjustemt but it works fine.
You can use with these 2 plugins all Jomsocial rules on AUP. I get also points for JReviews actions and for games.
>>> store.alphaplug.com/index.php/component/p2dxt/?p2did=30
>>> store.alphaplug.com/index.php/component/p2dxt/?p2did=31

Feel free to check my latest activites from the AUP points on my site
>>> ptcsociety.com/points
My profile >>> ptcsociety.com/klickjobs
(EDIT: it can be that the site is not accessible from time to time. Try later ;) )

(sorry, actually you cannot register. We're in the BETA phase and it is open only for my team members, coders and moderators. But if you're interested how it looks like from the inside then i can create an account for you :) )

I have actually not much time to check the Compojoom code and i'm not sure if this is easy to seperate (articles = points | profile = no points ...same for activity stream). But it is also not urgent. My site will launch in 4-6 weeks. We have time.

Re: Disable AUP points only for CompojoomComment Walls 12 years 11 months ago #15623

  • Martin Roeder
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i would like to correct me and to bring some good news.
As far as i noticed (due to my latest JS2.6 problems) you only need this plugin for $12 to get AUP running with compojoom:
>>> store.alphaplug.com/index.php/component/p2dxt/?p2did=31
The other component is not really necessary.

FYI: I'm not connected to the AUP guys. So, i hope you don't think that i want to advertise their products here.
I searched for more than 10 months for good solutions to get all JS actions working with AUP and finally this plg is the solution.
I had a lot of problems with AUP and their support is not really the best. The AUP component is no official JS component and due to this it makes some problems. Hacks are needed but the plg i mentioned should work smoothly with J2.5.3 and JS2.6 and Compojoom 4.2.1 on all plattforms.

However... it would be great to find a working hack to exclude only the ProfileComments from AUP.

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