The instructions and my code don't match at all, but I bet you are right. I will post what the code is in my index.tmpl.html file below. Any help on where to place the line of code listed in the help would be great. This is the line of code I am told to place around line 43:
<?php require(JPATH_SITE."/administrator/components/com_comment/plugin/com_myblog/josc_com_myblog _readmore.php"); ?>
But as the document asks, there is no line around there resembling this:
<p class="postSummary-footer">
Here is what my file looks like:
if ($entry and is_array($entry) and count($entry) != 0)
foreach ($entry as $e)
$date = strtotime($e['created']);
$month_day = strftime("%b ", $date) . strftime("%d", $date);
$year = strftime("%Y", $date);
$month_day = i8n_date($month_day);
<div class="entryContent">
<div class="entry">
<table class="entryTitle">
<td class="my-dateCell">
<div class="dateContainer">
<div class="date">
<div class="month"><span><?php echo $month_day; ?></span></div>
<div class="year"><span><?php echo $year; ?></span></div>
<td class="my-titleCell">
<div class="entry-title">
<h3><a href="<?php echo $e['permalink']; ?>"><?php echo $e['title']; ?></a></h3>
<p><?php echo JText::_('POSTED BY'); ?> <a href="<?php echo $e['authorLink']; ?>"><?php echo $e['author']; ?></a> in <?php echo $e['categories']; ?></p>
<?php if(!empty($e['avatar'])){ ?>
<td class="my-avatarCell">
<div class="userAvatar">
<?php echo $e['avatar']; ?>
<?php } ?>
if (isset($e['beforeContent']))
{ ?>
<div class="onBeforePrepareContent">
<?php echo $e['beforeContent'];?>
<div class="entry-body">
<?php echo $e['text']; ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php if (isset($e['afterContent']))
{ ?>
<div class="onAfterPrepareContent">
<?php echo $e['afterContent'];?>
<div class="entry-footer">
if ($e['comments']!="") // if comments enabled
echo '<div class="entry-comment"><a href="'.$e['permalink'].'#comments">'.$e['comments'] .'</a>';
echo '<div>';
if ($e['comments']!="" and $e['readmore']=="1")
echo ' | ';
if ($e['readmore']=="1")
{ ?>
<a href="<?php echo $e['permalink']; ?><?php echo $showAnchor; ?>"><?php echo JText::_('READMORE');?></a>
<?php } ?>
Thanks for any help, I can feel I am close!