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TOPIC: Conflict with Artio JoomSEF

Conflict with Artio JoomSEF 9 years 1 month ago #33265

  • Mel
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Hi guys,
CComments cannot load comments and if you try to post a new comment the button gets stuck on "saving" and never posts the comment.
I've spent several hours debugging my site and found that the problem is caused by the "System Artio JoomSEF plugin" disabling this allows CComments to function.

Console reporting:
NetworkError: 500 Invalid controller: ...omments', format='json' - https://www.site.com/featured-article/edge-q-a-activate-learning?option=com_comment&task=comments.getcomments&format=json&contentid=11776&component=com_content"
TypeError: this.collection.info is undefined

I am running the latest software versions:
Joomla 3.4.8
Artio 4.6.5
Ccomments 5.3.5

I have tried setting Artio extensions for CComments to "Don't SEF" as the handler but there is still a conflict.
It's vital that the site continues to use ArtioSEF due to a huge database of linking structures. Please advise as a matter of urgency?

Conflict with Artio JoomSEF 9 years 1 month ago #33266

  • Daniel Dimitrov
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Hey Mel,
Don't you think that you should ask Artio about that? Our extension works on a core Joomla installation. If after installing Artio it stops working, then Artio is doing something it shouldn't do...
Have you tried contacting them? Or are they of no help?


Conflict with Artio JoomSEF 9 years 1 month ago #33267

  • Mel
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Hi Daniel,
Thank you for your quick reply.
I am posting on this board as CComments promotes compatibility across a vast array of components which is great, ARTIO is one of the most used components since the early releases of Joomla so I thought you'd like to know about the conflict.
I have told Artio about the problem but they take the same stance as you saying their component works with the core joomla installation. I guess if every dev team has this reply then there would be little point in installing extensions?
I read on your forum someone else having this same issue and you posted a reply to that user stating that you did know how to fix the issue but the fix was never posted as the user decided a different plugin was causing the issue. You seemed to understand the JoomSEF plugin at that point.
Other thread located here: compojoom.com/forum/ccomment-pro/18648-p...ading-comments#24644
These are the reasons why I am posting here and your expertise would be very much appreciated.

Conflict with Artio JoomSEF 9 years 1 month ago #33274

  • Daniel Dimitrov
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Hey Mel,
So, today I installed JoomSef and immediatly after that Hotspots and ccomment stopped working. Basically in both components our request to fetch the data fails. Here is the url that we use to fetch the data in Hotspots:
That is my localhost - so it won't open for you. When the system - joomsef plugin is enabled i get:
View not found [name, type, prefix]: hotspots, json, hotspotsView
When I disable the plugin I get the expected result - hotspots works. I did a little digging in JoomSef's code and found that If I comment out lines 445 and 447 in sef.router.php:
                        $_REQUEST[$name] = $value;
                        $GLOBALS['_JREQUEST'][$name]['SET.REQUEST'] = true;
our requests are working.

Now this code sits in an if:
if( $sefConfig->preventNonSefOverwrite ) {

So I searched through the source code and found that there is a setting in the advanced tab (to enable the advanced tab in the settings you have to enable the profesional mode in the basic tab and save). Then I disabled "Prevent non-SEF variables from overwriting the parsed ones:" and now both Hotspots and CComment are working.
Now I have no real clue why this option is there and what it changes if you disable it. But it seems that if it is disabled you can use CComment.

Now back to our ajax requests. If I change the url to: http://localhost/joomla34/index.php?option=com_hotspots&view=kmls&format=json&cat=9&level=2&ne=82.189416,33.707772&sw=-49.501223,-106.214104&hs-language=en-GB, then our requests will work with the default configuration of JoomSef. The thing is this: compojoom.com/blog/entry/ajax-requests-o...gual-joomla-websites - I cannot use the root url for the requests and I need the path for the ajax requests to work on multilingual sites. This works perfectly fine with joomla's default router. So if it works with the default router and the second I enable joomsef it doesn't work, then for me the issue is in JoomSef. If they can come with a better plan how I could do my ajax requests, then I'm more than happy to change my code. But if they can't, then the issue for me is somewhere in their code, because it obviously doesn't behave as joomla's core.

Anyway, I hope that this information would help you run CComment with JoomSef. Feel free to share my post with their support.


Conflict with Artio JoomSEF 9 years 1 month ago #33300

  • Mel
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Hi Daniel,

Firstly I want to extend my sincerest thanks to you for your comprehensive research into this problem. I really do appreciate it. Apologies for my slow reply. I have passed your research onto the ARTIO team. Most components create an addon for ARTIO JoomSEF so I wanted to know if this would be a consideration of the ARTIO dev team, however this was their response.

As the CComment developer pointed out, the option in JoomSEF causes that the SEF URLs with non-SEF variables appended behave differently from the default Joomla's behaviour. Because their AJAX requests rely on this specific Joomla's behaviour, the option needs to be disabled in order to have the default behaviour back.
Disabling the option isn't any bad thing, so unless you experience some problems after disabling it, you don't need to worry.
I don't know why their AJAX requests require this particular Joomla behaviour, but it would require some modifications in the CComment component in order to work with the "Prevent non-SEF variables from overwriting the parsed ones" option in JoomSEF enabled. Having a JoomSEF extension for CComment wouldn't solve the incompatibility in this case.

I thought you would be interested in their response. I will continue testing the non-SEF variables option as I love CComments but my site relies heavily on ARTIO and has done for many years. Thank you once again for all your help.
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