Hey Mel,
So, today I installed JoomSef and immediatly after that Hotspots and ccomment stopped working. Basically in both components our request to fetch the data fails. Here is the url that we use to fetch the data in Hotspots:
That is my localhost - so it won't open for you. When the system - joomsef plugin is enabled i get:
View not found [name, type, prefix]: hotspots, json, hotspotsView
When I disable the plugin I get the expected result - hotspots works. I did a little digging in JoomSef's code and found that If I comment out lines 445 and 447 in sef.router.php:
$_REQUEST[$name] = $value;
$GLOBALS['_JREQUEST'][$name]['SET.REQUEST'] = true;
our requests are working.
Now this code sits in an if:
if( $sefConfig->preventNonSefOverwrite ) {
So I searched through the source code and found that there is a setting in the advanced tab (to enable the advanced tab in the settings you have to enable the profesional mode in the basic tab and save). Then I disabled "Prevent non-SEF variables from overwriting the parsed ones:" and now both Hotspots and CComment are working.
Now I have no real clue why this option is there and what it changes if you disable it. But it seems that if it is disabled you can use CComment.
Now back to our ajax requests. If I change the url to: http://localhost/joomla34/index.php?option=com_hotspots&view=kmls&format=json&cat=9&level=2&ne=82.189416,33.707772&sw=-49.501223,-106.214104&hs-language=en-GB, then our requests will work with the default configuration of JoomSef. The thing is this:
- I cannot use the root url for the requests and I need the path for the ajax requests to work on multilingual sites. This works perfectly fine with joomla's default router. So if it works with the default router and the second I enable joomsef it doesn't work, then for me the issue is in JoomSef. If they can come with a better plan how I could do my ajax requests, then I'm more than happy to change my code. But if they can't, then the issue for me is somewhere in their code, because it obviously doesn't behave as joomla's core.
Anyway, I hope that this information would help you run CComment with JoomSef. Feel free to share my post with their support.