Thanks for the answers!
First, if I turn Ajax On, I can post new comments but I cann't edit them from the frontend, if I try to do that, it adds a new post and does not change the old one. If I can solve this I can stay with Ajax On.
Second, if Ajax is Off, I can't post new comments.
I can't remember following special upgrade instructions, should I try reinstalling it?
The Content - !CompojoomComment 4.1 plugin is active, MyBlog - CompojoomCommmentMyBlog 1.1 is inactive and mod_comments 4.1.1 beta 1 is also active. Of course, component comment 4.1.7 stable is also active.
Also, I have just noted that my config is:
Current Recommended
Joomla Version: 1.5.22 1.5.15 or later
PHP Version: 5.2.17 5.2.2 or later
MySQL Version: 5.0.90-log 5.0 or later
So my PHP version is a bit old, I can change for PHP 6, would that help?
PS: Daniel, if nothing comes to mind I'll give you the admin access.