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TOPIC: Layout and other issues

Layout and other issues 14 years 4 months ago #10596

  • Francisco Rojas
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If I payd a subscription for this would I have the option to disable:
- Powered by Compojoom comment 4.1 beta1 and the link to your comp
and use Spanish on frontpage:

tka a look:

The moderation email is a joke I got a email like this!
and nothing more!

and where can I
- disable the UBB code
either the
-administration would be in the same language has the frontend


Layout and other issues 14 years 4 months ago #10597

  • Daniel Dimitrov
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Hey Francisco,
Yes, you can remove the powered by statement - just edit the template.
You can do this directly from the backend. Go to the settings tab, open the settigns -> layout -> select to copy the template, click apply -> and after that select the option to modify the copied template and remove the copyright tag from it.

You will have to edit your language file.

You will need to translate those things:
JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFY_NEW_SUBJECT=NewComment:{title} [from:{name}][notify:{notify}]
JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFY_NEW_MESSAGE=<p>A user has posted a new comment to a content item you have subscribed <br />in <a href="{livesite}">{livesite}</a>:</p><p><b>Name: </b>{name}<br /><b>Title: </b>{title}<br /><b>Text: </b>{comment}<br /><b>Content item: </b><a href="{linkURL}">{linkURL}</a></p><p>Please do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated and is for information purposes only.</p><p>To unsubscribe to this content item :<br />- if you are a registered user : logon, go to the post and edit this post to modify the notify value<br />- if you are an unregistered user : add a new post setting again your email but with "do not notify" value</p>
JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFY_TOBEAPPROVED_SUBJECT=ToBeApproved:{title} [from:{name}][notify:{notify}]
JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFY_TOBEAPPROVED_MESSAGE=<p>A user has posted a new comment and must be approved <br />in <a href="{livesite}">{livesite}</a>:</p><p><b>Name: </b>{name}<br /><b>Title: </b>{title}<br /><b>Text: </b>{comment}<br /><b>Content item: </b><a href="{linkURL}">{linkURL}</a></p><p>Please do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated and is for information purposes only.</p>
JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFY_EDIT_SUBJECT=EditedComment:{title} [from:{name}][notify:{notify}]
JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFY_EDIT_MESSAGE=<p>A user has edited a comment of the content item you have subscribed <br />in {livesite}:</p><p><b>Name: </b>{name}<br /><b>Title: </b>{title}<br /><b>Text: </b>{comment}<br /><b>Content item: </b><a href="{linkURL}">{linkURL}</a></p><p>Please do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated and is for information purposes only.</p><p>To unsubscribe to this content item :<br />- if you are a registered user : logon, go to the post and edit this post to modify the notify value<br />- if you are an unregistered user : add a new post setting again your email but with "do not notify" value</p>
JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFY_PUBLISH_SUBJECT=PublishedComment:{title} has been published
JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFY_PUBLISH_MESSAGE=<p>The following comment has been published <br />from <a href="{livesite}">{livesite}</a>:</p><p><b>Name: </b>{name}<br /><b>Title: </b>{title}<br /><b>Text: </b>{comment}<br /><b>Content item: </b><a href="{linkURL}">{linkURL}</a></p><p>Please do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated and is for information purposes only.</p>
JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFY_UNPUBLISH_SUBJECT=UnpublishedComment:{title} has been UNpublished
JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFY_UNPUBLISH_MESSAGE=<p>The following comment has been UNpublished <br />from <a href="{livesite}">{livesite}</a>:</p><p><b>Name: </b>{name}<br /><b>Title: </b>{title}<br /><b>Text: </b>{comment}<br /><b>Content item: </b><a href="{linkURL}">{linkURL}</a></p><p>Please do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated and is for information purposes only.</p>
JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFY_DELETE_SUBJECT=DeletedComment:{title} has been deleted
JOOMLACOMMENT_NOTIFY_DELETE_MESSAGE=<p>The following comment has been deleted <br />from <a href="{livesite}">{livesite}</a>:</p><p><b>Name: </b>{name}<br /><b>Title: </b>{title}<br /><b>Text: </b>{comment}<br /><b>Content item: </b><a href="{linkURL}">{linkURL}</a></p><p>Please do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated and is for information purposes only.</p>

Actually look at the english language file located in language/en-GB/en-GB.com_comment.ini
then compare it with your english file (is it spanish?)

You can disable the ubb code from the backend. There is an option for this.

Sorry about the inconvenience, but we rely on user translations. I cannot know all languages in the world. If you translate the file and share it with me I promise to extend you subscription :)


Layout and other issues 14 years 4 months ago #10604

  • Daniel Dimitrov
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Hi again Francisco,
It just occurred to me that I forgot to say, that you'll have to copy the notification strings to the administrator language file too(amdinistrator/language/your-langauge/yourlanguage.com_comment.ini), because the backend send notifications too.
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