Hey Steve,
Is there a general trend right now to remove all js from the head of the page that I don't know about???
this code here:
function keepAlive() { var myAjax = new Request({method: "get", url: "index.php"}).send();} window.addEvent("domready", function(){ keepAlive.periodical(2640000); });
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$$('.hasTip').each(function(el) {
var title = el.get('title');
if (title) {
var parts = title.split('::', 2);
el.store('tip:title', parts[0]);
el.store('tip:text', parts[1]);
var JTooltips = new Tips($$('.hasTip'), { maxTitleChars: 50, fixed: false});
doesn't belong to hotspots, but I think that it belongs to joomla 1.7. You see with older versions of joomla there was always the problem, that when writing an article your session would expire and now in the backend while you surf your page it sends an ajax request and it renews your session...
About the other variables - that are language strings. In a future version it will be just a single variable commentLanguage that will contain all those.