I am also experiencing issues with notification. I am using the pro version.
From what I can tell, comments are only saved to the queue and then a notification sent by email when the "Autopublish comments" option is set to Yes and "Notify moderators" is set to Yes. If "Autopublish comments" is set to NO and "Notify moderators" is set to Yes then nothing is saved to the queue. Of course, I do not want to have comments automatically published before I have the opportunity to moderate these. I have tested this on a test site by completely deleting and then reinstalling everything(including DB tables).
A second issue, is that you say on the documentation page (
) that email will be sent on page reload, but what happens if a comment is posted to an older content item that is not viewed very often? When would this be sent? Would I need to wait for a search engine crawl before it is sent?
Finally, your documentation page mentions a "mail queue tab" is it possible I am missing this as I am not sure I am seeing it.
Using version 5.0.1
Thank you