We did it in com_comment plugin for our coustom component:
$comObject = JOSC_utils::ComPluginObject('com_ourcomponent',$id);
$row = new stdclass();
$row->text = JOSC_utils::execJoomlaCommentPlugin($comObject, $id, $params, true);
$row->text = str_replace('@', '@', $row->text);
JPluginHelper::importPlugin( 'content' );
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->trigger( 'onContentPrepare', array( 'com_ourcomponent', &$row, null ) );
echo $row->text;
It makes joomla email cloaking plugin to work with our component. For users emails are standard links to email. For bots this is only a javascript code, not an email to be harvested.
Can you give a feedback for this solution?