[Moved to off-topic]
You make perfect sense and I understand I do not want poeple to comment on sections. I do understand the purpose of the component and will be keeping it installed.
That's good to hear
sorry if it seemed like I misunderstood your thread, I take it you're just starting with Joomla and looking for a little advice.
I think I had presumed that since YouJoomla had it as a part of their template package, that there was tighter interaction between you and them.
Most would presume that. Maybe there is, Daniel hasn't told me about it though (he's the creator and developer - i'm just a helper person who has only been here a couple of months). But I don't think there is any sort of arrangement between CompoJoom and YouJoomla, or rather - I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't. JoomlaComment is OpenSource under GPL, which means anybody is free to use it and do whatever they want with it as long as they give credit to the original authors (and some other technical things like source code must be free, but that's basically it). As such, YouJoomla probably saw JoomlaComment, and just decided to use it without even contacting us - and that's fine
Don't hold me to that though - Daniel would have a definate answer.
One more thing. Can you recommend a blog and forum component/module that integrates fantastically with your component? I have read a lot of the threads and seems MyBlog (Azrul) component is not so good. How about Wordpress, movable type, phpBB3??
Blogging extensions I do not know much about. Out of the box, Joomla is pretty capable of being a blog-style site on it's own (albeit, a basic one - but with extensions and enough research/work it can be VERY powerful and flexible) but I havn't had to create a blog yet so I'm not too knowledgable in that field. So all I can recommend is to browse the Joomla extension directory at
- but I know that some of them don't work well with Community Builder and like to use their own "Community system"
For a forum, phpBB is very good (among the best out there definately) but you'll require a bridge/wrapper extension to properly link Joomla to it, such as JFusion. I havn't yet installed a Forum on my personal site, but plan to use either Kunena (the forum we have here) or Agora (seems to be very powerful but not as mature as Kunena) - both of those are 100% Joomla 1.5 native.
looks like a capable, all-in-one Blog solution. But if you want to use JoomlaComment on MyBlog, you'll have to buy the Plugin from the CompoJoom Marketplace (Daniel spent a long time on it and Azrul has done nothing co-operate with CompoJoom).
Wordpress is a an alternative Content Management System (CMS) to Joomla - if you switch to Wordpress you will have to say bye bye to Joomla and JoomlaComment
But, my personal opinion, if you are creating a site that will always remain as a blog and never expand to a "full website", Wordpress is the better choice as it's specifically designed for blogging (plus it's easier to use). Joomla however, is designed to be a full-featured production-grade website CMS (it can do technically do more, especially with so many extensions, but it's got a steeper learning curve).
Feel free to fire any more questions you might have, I'd be glad to help where I can (spare time permitting of course)
EDIT: You said "you want sections, not articles" in your first post. Have you tried making the 'default' menu item (that's what designates as 'Home') to Article Blog View? There are many options and features of Joomla that seem to be hidden or sneaky to new users (I remember being baffled) but basically, just remember that everything 'construction' or 'layout' wise is usually done via the Menu settings in the backend. Make sure you read the Joomla documentation, and don't be afraid to tinker and explore