First off, I am not a programmer, so everything I say you must treat as such.
Here's what I'd at least try to do... -get a module position there.
You are using a template called
bulletin_plazza, take a look at it's
index.php file.
Somewhere just before the mainbody is being generated, you will probably see a banners field being entered.
<?php if ( $this->countModules( 'banners' )) { ?>
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="banners" style="raw" />
<?php } ?>
Chances are often that it might look something like this, but it can also get much more hairy depending on how the template is setup.
Anyway, just isolate that code, and duplicate it to the end of the mainbody section, but you must rename it to ie:
banners2 or something, otherwise it will just be a duplicate of the banner before the mainbody (obviously).
Again, depending on your template design (programming) etc, sometimes they rely on the xml file for each piece or module to be identified from the backend.
Just add it to your xml if this is the case.
Actually, just add it anyway...
The you can publish your
latest news to that module.
I have done similar to this a few times with mine, not for latest news though, but the content for module positions is kind of secondary to the establishing of their positions.
Remember, this is just what I would try to do.
And yeah, take a backup of both the php and xml files before starting off...