Here's my issue I'm trying to troubleshoot. I'm trying to get an AlphaUserPoints rule that was made for joomlacomment to work correctly. The rule actually works and gives a user 10 points for making a comment but I get a Request Failed pop-up message when hitting send, then the following appears in the message text field:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?><post><after>-1</after><published>1</published><noerror>1</noerror><debug></debug><id>59</id><body><![CDATA[
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|<span class='postusertype'><span class='administrator'>SAdministrator</span></span>
|<span class='postdate'>2009-08-29 18:03:54</span>
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<a href='/component/comprofiler/userprofile/J06Powercat'>J06Powercat</a>
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The message posts and the points add, the problem is the request failed message and the block of code that shows up in the message box. The weird thing is, everything worked flawlessly on 4.0 beta1 but then I upgraded to 4.0 beta2 and had this problem. So I reinstalled 4.0 beta1 but this time the request failed message came up on that version too. Now I can't figure out why it keeps coming up.
Here is what the AlphaUserPoints rule requires you to add to comment.class.php:
on line 1032, just afer
$this->_comment_id = $database->insertid();
add this:
///////////// AUP mod for comment reward
$api_AUP = JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_alphauserpoints'.DS.'helper.php';
if ( file_exists($api_AUP))
require_once ($api_AUP);
AlphaUserPointsHelper::newpoints( 'plgaup_postcomment_joomlacomment','','',$title.': '.$comment );
/////////////////// End AUP mod
I've been trying to troubleshoot the request failed message for a couple weeks now and I'm at a loss for why it worked before but now it doesn't. please help..thanks!