Iinstalling either 4.0 or 3.6 I got the following message:
"""""" There was a problem with your installation
error when moving /home/..../public_html/books/administrator/components/com_comment/plugin/joscomment.php
TO /home/..../public_html/books/plugins/content/joscomment.php
Please, contact the support.
error when moving /home/selecta/public_html/books/administrator/components/com_comment/plugin/joscomment.xml
TO /home/...../public_html/books/plugins/content/joscomment.xml
error when moving /home/.../public_html/books/administrator/components/com_comment/plugin/josccleancache.php
TO /home/...../public_html/books/plugins/system/josccleancache.php
error when moving /home/..../public_html/books/administrator/components/com_comment/plugin/josccleancache.xml
TO /home/...../public_html/books/plugins/system/josccleancache.xml """""
I changed all directories permissions to 777 and start again, but there is always the same errors. What should I do?
However, the component is installed and runing. I install also the plugin and the module. But on putting {loaposition comment} (as the position is comment for the module) the only thing I get is "nocomment" at the postion (end of the article).